T​ara Agaba

C​reative Portfolio

There are moments in moist love when heaven ​is jealous of what we on earth can do.” Hafiz

About me: I AM

I result from the land of Ba(the)Twa, the greatest privilege and responsibility I ​carry is I was raised by my ancestors and descendants, of whom include the ​Sun's equator, the Nile basin, the Indian ocean, the forests of the Congo region, ​the Great Rift Valley & her volcanoes.

My service experience involves communications, digital advocacy, community care work and a ​range of healing arts seasoned by my education and more than ten years of service. As a Pan/Queer ​African and third worlder who walks between multi-worlds I feel most connected to my purpose ​when I use the mother tongue of my Heart. Through my Heart, heaven and earth are revealed ​allowing me to be an instrument of Love. In this time I feel invited to dream up heart opening​ liberation toolkits that support those awakening from the illusions of the colonization &​ disconnection epoch because by my estimate liberation is available for everyone now more than​ ever. For many years I broadcasted a colonized frequency and my life changed when with courage​ and the help of my Teachers I practiced tuning my instrument to my true authentic home​ frequency of unconditional Love. New ways of thriving are available and lack, suffering, shame or​ self compromise are not a pre-requisite for reception. ​

What de-colonization means to me?

By my estimate de-colonialization is not a response or solution to colonialism or neocolonialism, it's ​not an attempt to control or define others' experiences. It is not manipulating time or history, instead it ​is the utilization of this moment to align with, cultivate, move toward or attune to freedom. So that ​individual highest good spills over/overflows into collective balance/harmony because colonialism is ​about domination, hierarchy and human supremacy validated by social belonging & as a result all of us ​-every race/being have been scarred. As such I acknowledge that I participate in human supremacy ​from how I view others' choices to my inner colonizer and my demands for social and physical comfort. ​Decolonization is an invitation to a path of loving kindness that leads towards a way of being that ​involves us all building together by using every moment and all the information available in a moment ​to adapt towards the wisest outcome, attuning to vitality and freedom by honoring every individual's ​magic, even when we don’t understand it. Decolonization for me is creating change by dreaming up the ​new in tandem with Earth’s journey. Through ceremony, communion, ritual, devotion, partnership and ​co-creation with life I uncurl myself from the colonial paradigm within me. Decolonization is an act of ​cultural repair/decomposition like fungi repurposing debris into life.

Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.” María Sabina



I have the great privilege of being a ​global citizen and student of Earth as ​a school. This privilege has initiated ​me into service as an instrument, ​Earth steward, witness, storyteller ​and nurturer of holistic + rooted ​ecosystems.

Beauty, Ritual &medicine

Liberation Toolkits

Tea Ceremony

  • Decolonizing taste & healing over- ​consumption/exploitation.
  • Connecting with elemental/nature wisdom
  • Energy Work/Self Capacity Building
  • Tending Grief

Floral Medicine

Floral Bundles of Love for Trans Folks

Self Care Healing Podcast Guest Feature:

Nurturing networks

Creation, Design and Facillitation.

Girls Leading Our World + Brothers Reaching ​Out Youth Retreat

Improving health care networks

5 Things with JDI a statewide membership co- ​learning space

Online event planning co- creation and hosting


International Humanitarian Service




Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Community Psychology

Makerere University

Specialization: A holistic approach to tending to the relationships of ​individuals with communities and societies using ecological annalysis. ​Community psychology is based on eight competing core values:

empirical grounding, a multi-level strengths-based perspective, sense of ​community, respect for human diversity, collective wellness, ​empowerment and citizen participation, collaboration, and

social justice.

MA Sustainable International Development

Brandeis, Waltham MA

Completed one year within the two year program at the Heller Institute

at Brandeis University before taking a hiatus in 2022.

Domestic and sexual violence response and prevention ​advocate/counselor certificate

Training that covered both introductory and advanced topics providing a

foundation for best practices for counselors in the field of sexual assault ​and domestic violence response services.

Cha Dao

WAO TEA| Jade Brunel

Concentration: The exploration of tea 茶道 ; the plant, the philosophy, ​the practice, the stories, the art, the rituals, the spirit, the meditative & ​creative instillation

Etheric Gardening

New Earth Mystery School

3 year long program designed for practitioners to learn energy work and ​study plant medicine.

I am grateful for all the wisdom, way how and know how I have received ​from New Earth Myster School.

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